Ignorance Isn't Bliss

Carolyn Wesner • Aug 07, 2024

Ignorance Isn't Bliss

A poet once wrote “where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise”. The whole context of the

poem by Thomas Gray (1742) actually wasn’t encouraging readers to dumb down their brains! Little

children who are being raised in loving homes can be blissfully ignorant, as they should be. On the other

hand, ignoring actual problems or dangers can lead to tragic consequences. Belonging to the Head in the

Sand Club may be comforting for a while, but that leaves the nether regions highly exposed!

The scriptures as collected in our modern Bibles (from the 4 th to the 17 th centuries) contain much

wisdom literature, some of it very contradictory, just like information today. Each writer had his own

ideas and culture, spread over several thousand years. Take Solomon for example, billed as the wisest

man of his era – just read his short, pithy sayings in the book of Proverbs. Lots of helpful philosophy

there. Then look at the other book attributed to him: Ecclesiastes, which sounds like a cynical old guy

who has been there / done that and pretty much given up on good society.

Now, we can’t know everything about God and the workings of the universe, and that’s okay.

“Seek and ye shall find” said Jesus. Studying, learning and growing in faith with others is a worthwhile

endeavor, guided by the Holy Spirit (God’s gift to human-kind). It’s never folly to work towards greater

wisdom even though there can be pitfalls. We live in an age with endless streams of “info-tainment”,

click-bait headlines without context, rumors and theories without foundation, etc., etc. Is it so

overwhelming that an honest person gives up? No.

Jesus said that his Spirit would be with us and lead us into Truth about himself. Even as he said

he would one day come back for his people, we don’t have to wait. The tender care and peace of mind

of Jesus’ love are meant to give us security in God’s love – now.

Everyone is welcome at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church: Sunday service at 10 a.m. and coffee hour


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