Bread of Heaven

Carolyn Wesner • Jul 31, 2024

Bread of Heaven

It’s summer, and it’s cookout time. The gardens are producing, kids are still out of school and

families are taking their vacation days – all involving food, and lots of it. Throughout our communities

we can smell the grilling barbecues (not just grassland smoke) while we all enjoy getting together for the

fun and fellowship.

Ancient peoples did this too, usually to mark a religious celebration day or an event anniversary.

Sometimes, though, it just happened when a whole bunch of people were out and about and it got to be

meal-time pretty far away from home. This happened twice to Jesus, as recorded in all four Gospels:

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus was surrounded by crowds almost daily. It was exciting to hear a new, fresh take on the

love of God, and of course Jesus was also a healer of broken minds and bodies. Under the

circumstances, it was easy to forget about packing a lunch! Some did remember, though, and because

Jesus blessed these small meals, the food stretched to feed thousands! Wow, lots of folks started

following Jesus after that – a miracle worker and Messiah! What’s not to like?

However, with Jesus, it was never about the food. Sure, he was concerned with physical needs,

but later he asked his disciples “don’t you get it yet?” Jesus wanted them to understand that his

kingdom wasn’t about this world; there wasn’t going to be a miraculous takeover to throw off the

Romans or any other oppressor. Jesus could satisfy the inner hunger, a peace which the world couldn’t

give or take away. Paul the apostle later called this the Secret of the Universe: Christ in you, the

everlasting food and drink of faith.

Sadly, some followers fell away from discipleship when the bread and BBQ fish ran out! So,

while God’s way may not be as tangible as donuts and coffee, it lasts a lot longer and satisfies the

deeper needs of the soul.

Everyone is welcome at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church: Sunday service at 10 a.m. and coffee hour

afterwards (the tangible kind…)

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