22nd Emmaus Talk

22nd Emmaus Talk

We are heading towards a very stressful few months. Elections to public offices are here. There is much anxiety around, and many are worried about the nation's state in the coming years. Regardless of the party they are affiliated with, each person has their reason for such fear. I can not discount any of the fears as unfounded.

But I urge you not to sit around during this election season. Exercise your fundamental duty and right as a citizen and vote for the candidates who meet your hopes and dreams. Please keep a few things in mind as you vote.

  1. Choose a person with moral integrity and inner goodness.
  2. Choose a person who holds all people with dignity and respect.
  3. Choose a person who wants to serve and not to be served.

Yes, this will take discernment, prayer, and fasting. Please do so. Because we, as a nation, are at the crossroads of political integrity and personality cults. Almost every personality cult ended up in the dump except that of Jesus, which survived the test of time because His reason for being who He was had to do with serving others without reserve or personal gain. No one since has or will rise to that stature ever again! So choose wisely!

Please vote on November 5th. Please do not ignore the election and wait for the result. Ultimately, God is in control, but God expects us to play our part in ushering in God’s kingdom.

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